Play Video about חדר בריחה | מבצע לוויתן
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Escape Room Operation Seal
You find yourselves in the last place you might expect on the face of the planet. It is early morning, the sun has not yet risen, and the water is freezing cold. From time to time, a big wave crashes on the bows of your rubber dinghy and water fills the boat – you take turns bailing with a pail. For a fraction of a second, you think about giving up and going home, but then, you take yourselves in hand — this is not just any ordinary mission. An entire nation is behind you, and waits anxiously for the results of the operation. They cound on you. Inside you, a mixture of stormy emotions — vitality, fear, and sea sickness. Will you succeed?
Style: Action | mission
Languages: Hebrew, English
(No Hebrew knowledge needed at all).